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YouTube Stuff

by thelearninggeek

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One year ago, teachers of Jeevan Jyoti School did not dare let their children move out of military line. Would you with 45+ three-year-olds and only two teachers? Following work with WWEP, teachers know that children can play and learn without teachers losing control. Here’s an example of crafty stories:


As part of my volunteer role for WWEP, I have been training teachers in Nepal. Here is a review from Roji on our work out there so far.



Creative Conversations, Edinburgh

#TMHulley Lessons Learned in Ghana

Northern Rocks!


Pivotal Podcast December 2016:

Talking supply teaching, the problem with schools and inclusion as well as experiences in Ghana and Nepal.


Inspiration 4 Teachers Podcast: Challenging difficult Behaviours


A Tour of Kumasi in Ghana

An interview with community teachers in Ghana

A Culture of Learning – Teach Meet Monkey

Pedagoo London – Manglish