The Problems…
A few weeks ago, I spotted a tweet that said something along the lines of, “If you are not in the arena, I don’t want to hear from you.” There’s something in that, I thought. My role, although taking me into school regularly and working with the same groups as a teacher, is absolutely not the same as being in one school full time right now. I know I’m lucky to be able to work from home when I choose. That was already eating away at me when I began to spot more and more tweets like this…
So teachers are getting sick. Many teachers are feeling that going into work sick is easier than setting cover and, to top that off, there is a shortage of supply teachers… Plus, people don’t want to hear my voice (remember, I’m not fully in the arena). Now, if you add all of that to the fact that I was looking for a way to contribute to Tommy and Lottie’s fundraiser (giving a hand to help them get hands), I came up with an idea.
The Support…
Firstly, I have signed up to do my bit on supply. I’m heading back into the arena. That’s the hand that schools need right now and I am able to help.
While I await all of the checks to be completed, I thought I would offer a hand to English teachers who are considering going into work sick because it is “easier than setting cover”. This is also a hand to any supply teachers who are covering English with little work set or weak subject knowledge. All I ask is that, if this has given you a hand in any way, could you consider paying it forward to Tommy and Lottie to help them reach their goal?
My helping hand consists of 10 creative writing lessons (that’s the isolation period sorted) that can be taught at any time and adapted to most year groups. You get an easy to follow, lesson by lesson plan; the link between each lesson is explained so, if you have a chain of different supply teachers (or the teacher gets well), it’s easy to pick up and complete. You also have a student workbook and a teacher guide for any non specialists. The lessons are deliberately simple to support non specialists but still give students a meanigful learning experience.
It is tough in the arena right now. I’m sending strength and will be joining you as soon as possible.
The resources
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