Holding the ITL twitter baton was lots of fun! I used the account to get tweachers to confidently share what was going on in their classrooms. The idea was inspired by @OhLottie who used #proudofmyselfie as a way of getting her pupils to know that it is okay to be proud of themselves. #proudofmyclassroom filled my timeline with positivity and I hope it did the same for you. I am now handing over the baton to Stephanie Davies, ITL associate and author of Laughology next week. Stephanie has an MA in Laughter, Humour and Personal Growth. She is exactly what we need to keep us smiling over half term.
If you are up for some real live sharing, sprinkled with Christmas fun @pedagoo style, the next #pedagoochristmasparty is on its way. The plan so far is somewhere cool in Newcastle, the afternoon of December 6th. Sign up here.
Thank you to all who contributed to #proudofmyclassroom The tweets are embedded in an earlier post and below is the video to prove the live draw was random. @felizz7 was the winning contributor.